Map by Carsten Niebuhr, 1776, the only surviving member of the Danish expedition to the Middle East in 18th century, shows the little town of Amouda in the Syrian Jezira, on the main historical highway from Mosul in northern Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean. The main tribe in the vicinity are the Milli Kurdish tribe, here called Mullie by Niebuhr.

City Archives: Amouda
A letter sent from the “Banque de Syrie et du Grand Liban” (Deir Ezzore branch) sent to the wife of archeologist Max Mallowan (Agatha Christie, famous British author). The back of the envelope is stamped in Qamishli, amouda and Hassakeh. Aghatha lived in a house built by her husband in Chagher Bazaar close to Amouda (Syria) where archaeological explorations were done and then moved to Tel Brak on the Jaghjagh river for more exploration over the Tel by her husband. They made frequent trips to Hassetche [Hassake] and Qamishli for picking up their mail and food shopping